Joey is too handsome, too funny, too confident, and way too hard to resist. An entertaining history of British thrillers from Casino Royale to The Eagle Has Landed, in which award-winning crime writer Mike Ripley. Her hero has trouble written all over him.

Even with the hot guy who sweeps in and saves her computer the night before a big speech. Now a dark horse candidate for Florida governor, she's not looking for a relationship. Fifteen years ago, she left her broken home in New York City and never looked back. Single mom, widow, Olivia Monroe has exceptional dreams that she refuses to let go of. Homer: All right, book, I didnt read you and you didnt read me. Ive never been less angry to receive a book.

The perfect skill set for their new client who is getting threatening emails, a client who he definitely wants to get to know better. he laughs Suckers camera pulls out, revealing a vat of nuclear waste behind Lenny, which glows through his skeleton Homer: sweetly Thanks, sweetie. The co-owner of Iron-Clad securities is 100% Alpha male, but under his muscular physique, he's the best hacker in Miami who specializes in running Iron-Clad's cyber ops.

Six-foot-two and ripped.with superior computer skills, Josef "Joey" Clad is not your typical ex-Marine. From USA Today bestselling author Sidney Halston comes the third Iron-Clad Security novel, Kiss Kiss Bang.